The good things that came from it:
- A renewed awareness of my severe caffeine addiction.
- Breaking my caffeine addiction.
- Losing 3 lbs of ... junk (I assume).
- Knowing I put in a good, solid effort.
The not so good things that came from it:
- A raging caffeine withdrawal headache.
- Juicer cleanup duty.
- Fielding loved-ones' concerns (" you know what you're doing?")
My intention, once I knew I wouldn't make my 3 day goal, was to stick with primarily raw produce (salads) and simple soups (miso, lentel) for the remaining day and a half, but I was woefully unsuccessful today.
- Falafal pita, hummus w/ flatbread.
"Well..." I reasoned to myself, " least I've been making vegetarian choices."
And then there was dinner:
- Large salad (lettuce, onion, carrots, red peppers, green grapes)
- Ginger dressing.
- Chicken. Lots of chicken. With skin. Yummy, rotisserie-crispy-almost-tastes-like-bacon skin.
Now here I sit, trying to sate my dessert tooth with a cup of decaf Earl Gray tea sweetened with raw demerara sugar. There's no chocolate in the house (thank goodness) but there IS ice cream. And donuts. Yup. And lemon pound cake. ~shiver with delight~ And my mint/chocolate Clif Bars.
I'm happy to report that I'm still decaffeinated, but other than that, I'm fully retoxed.
Deliciously, belly-stretchingly retoxed.
I'm making light of this short experience but truthfully, the headache I endured was pretty nasty. I believe it was from caffeine withdrawal, but also from artificial sweetener which I had been using exclusively in my tea for a couple months. And I've been drinking diet soda. Not a lot, but enough. And I don't think I use too much salt, but I haven't really been paying attention so I might be wrong about that.
I'm making an effort, starting right now, thanks to my 1.5 day juice fast/fest/feast, to return to mindfulness. To think about what I choose to eat, not only when I choose it but also while I'm eating it. To think about the time I allow for myself and what I do with it. Zombie out in front of the tube, or Ohmmm out in my Sanctuary room. And to appreciate. To just be... grateful.