Sunday, February 16, 2014

Max the Wonder-Cat

My wonderful boy Max.  With patience and unconditional love, he teaches me how to be a better Mommy.

I estimate him to be about 13'ish years old, which isn't THAT old for a house-cat, though he is a senior, certainly.  He wasn't always an indoor cat, and as you know he spent a few of his formative years in a very obese state of being.  That may have aged him a bit. 

Sparing you a full accounting of vet visits, speculative diagnostics and shotgun treatment approach, we (being myself and his vet) have settled on a condition called "Triaditis".  It's one of those conditions that can't reeeeally be confirmed without taking biopsies but his symptoms all point that way.

His first symptom was weight loss and we've been trying to address that for over a year or so, with additional symptoms cropping up along the way.  It bothers me that $ is even part of the equation, but that's an unfortunate reality I have to reconcile with.  As such, the time to discontinue further testing and medicine sampling is approaching.  I may have one more round of blood tests done but then after that, we'll focus on quality of life.  He's not in obvious pain, and he has an appetite which is good.  But he continues to lose weight, he vomits several times a week, he's lethargic and even his meows are changing; losing his authoritative, scolding directives "FEED me!" "I'm entering the room!!" "Wake UP!" "I'm here, PET me!!" "I'm going to go use the litter box now!"

Yesterday, with all this in mind, I experienced a moment of clarity.  I am Max's health advocate.  I'm not going to ignore what my vet suggests, but I'm taking an active role now.  He's not going to spend the rest of his life taking antibiotics that give him the runs and thyroid medicine that creates an autoimmune attack, and steroids that will result in who knows WHAT side-effects... and he's definitely not going to be fed commercial-grade cat food filled with crap that an "obligate carnivore" would never, and should never eat.

So as such, today I made the first batch of home-made, feline-friendly, raw cat food.  I made enough for 8 days.  Last night I gave him straight-up ground chicken for dinner to see if he'd be receptive and he dove right in.  Then this morning he seemed more spry and "present", which was likely a coincidence; he's just having a good day.  But I AM taking it as an optimistic omen.  This is the link where I finally landed after researching for raw pet diets: Great info, and website seems completely credible. 

It was a liiiittle icky throwing 3 lbs of chicken meat and innards in the food processor, but I got over it.  Along with the meat were bone meal and vitamins E & B complex.  Missing from the online recipe was taurine and fish oil which I will have on hand when I'm ready to make the next batch.  And I'm not going to just cut off his prescribed meds, but I am placing focus on eliminating anything that does not contribute to his comfort and quality of life.

My apology for rambling.  The intention for this blog entry was to compare and link up Max's and my own nutritional journeys, underscore the importance of being one's own health advocate, bla bla bla... and here I am, rambling on like the worried Mommy that I am.  I will say though, my attention to Max is a sturdy reminder of what may be in store for me several years down the road, should I stray too far off track.  Perhaps not triaditis, but some form(s) of un-health.

Max, in his infinite patience, wisdom and unconditional love is now the teacher. 

The homemade cat food just looks yummier, doesn't it?

Stoically focused on his empty food bowl on the counter, Max expects Mommy to catch his vibes.

Mommy is not catching his vibes.

"Hey MOMMY!  Empty dish!  Let's go!"

Meds, meds, meds. 
(syringe is for dosing only.  Liquid mixed with his food works well for Max.)
Harley's Yin to Max's Yang.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

And suddenly nothing will be done.

So much I want to do today.  And I have all day to do it, how great is that?  My current to-do list:

  1. Grocery shopping
  2. Clean out the car (it's like a junk drawer on wheels, yeeks)
  3. Do a water change in Joe's tank
  4. Hit Petco for some new dog bowls
  5. Hit the bank for some cash'ola
  6. Reacquaint myself with my yoga mat
  7. Take a walk w/ Harley
  8. Catch up on some laundry
  9. Catch up on my blog
  10. Catch up on my bills
  11. Catch my breath
And if history is any indication, before I know it, it'll be 10PM and suddenly nothing will be done.
Let's not let that happen.  We'll start with bullet #9...

This week was successful.  I journaled my food choices and stayed within my allotted points... except for one night.  Last night.  Hubby isn't feeling well, battling a nasty, nasty cold.  His comfort food is pretty much anything as long as it's accompanied by mashed potatoes.  So last night's dinner was a straight up chicken, mashers and peas kind of dinner.  I ate my portioned meal in a small bowl and all was well.  Except I chowed on chicken while preparing the meal (chicken was pre-cooked from Big Y) and I chowed on more chicken while cleaning up.  That's a lot of animal protein for this vegetarian wannabe... what was truly irresistible was the skin.  The crispy, fatty, over-the-top-holy-crap-this-almost-tastes-like-bacon skin.  Anyway, I'm being gentle with myself and in spite of the chicken induced weight jump of 3/4 lb between yesterday and today, I'm down a total of 4 lbs which nets to about 1/2 lb per week.  It's all in the journey, my friends.  All in the journey.

My experiment with pre-fab crepes was an icky failure.  Hard to believe that vanilla Greek yogurt, bananas and strawberries wrapped in an egg crepe would be anything other than delicious, but it can be.   The crepe tasted "off" which I might have been able to overlook for the most part had it not been for the weeeeeird texture.  Mushy... pasty ... weird.  I was hoping for a fun waffle alternative, but hey... if it ain't broke, right?  So I asked the waffles to take me back and being the lucky girl I am, they agreed.

I'm not sure today will be an exceptionally great day, food-wise.  I feel like I'm coming down with a cold and I find my comfort not in any particular kind of food, but in the nibbling process itself.  Mindless, yummy, just-one-more-handful nibbling.  I'll keep you posted.

Not much else interesting to report at the moment.  Uhm... yeah, that's it.  For now.

Pre-rolled crepe w/ yogurt and strawberries.

Looks great, right?  Yech.

Very yummy cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion sandwich on Yoga bread.  No really, it was very tasty.  The intention was for it have avocado instead of cheese but the avocado was waaayyyy over-ripe.  Avocados are like bananas: they have a very short "perfect for consumption" time period.

Apparently I had trouble remembering to take my evening vitamins.  Oops.
Drama!  We had a bobcat cut through our yard!  I know!  Crazy, right?  You should have heard what Harley thought about this, but I'm sure you can imagine.  BARRRWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!





Saturday, February 1, 2014

Skinny cows and munchy gorillas

I have come to the conclusion that I will, necessarily, at any given point, have some kind of food obsession.  Be it Skinny Cow ice cream cones, Gorilla Munch cereal, Nutella... it's going to be something. 

So previously, Skinny Cow mint chocolate chip ice cream cones overshadowed practically all other food choices.  Not that they were all I ate, and not that I didn't work them into the Weight Watchers program.  But those damn cones were like currency and every food choice I made during the day was balanced by how many cones they "cost".  There were days that I horded my points to have 4 of those things at night.  Maybe not the most nutritionally balanced decisions, but ohhhhhhh yum yum. Yum.

Gorilla Munch, well, that stuff is just evil.  One cup is too much because four cups are too many... and one ALWAYS turns into 4.  Sometimes more.  And even that's a guess because do you think I actually measure the stuff? Psh. 

Since I'm the only one driving this boat, it's up to me to find/create a relatively healthy obsession, if I were so inclined. I have a creation from a couple years ago which is vanilla yogurt, Nutella, strawberries and pretzels.  Most of you might be gagging right now but I gotta tell ya, if you appreciate the whole sweet-and-salty thing, this is the dessert for you.  My fear is having Nutella in the house because I am not beyond sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night for a couple spoonfuls of the gooey stuff.   Anyway, I've been indulging in just yogurt and fruit.  It's certainly sweet enough but like they say on The Food Network, the flavor profile is shallow.

So, this week has been pretty good.  I gave myself a "free day" in which I made the conscious decision to eat whatever I wanted.  What did I start the day with?  You know it.  Can everybody say "Gorilla"? Mid-morning: a big corn muffin.  Lunch: a serving of some reeeeally good Greek spinach/cheese pie (I can't remember what it's called).  Dinner: veggie burger w/ avocado AND cheese.  By bed time, I felt like crap.  ~sigh~  Lesson learned.  Again.

I forget what my weigh-in cycle is, so I'll just report a weight loss from Jan 1st.  It's not that impressive, but I am going ssslllooowwwly in the right direction.  Total weight loss over the past 30 days (happy Feb 1st, by the way) is 2.5 lbs.  I think another sigh is in order.  ~sigh~

It's all good, though.  Right?  It's all good, indeed.

5 point breakfast: 1 fried egg, 1 slice rye toast w/ 1 tsp "butter" and about 1/2 cup roasted turnip.  Hey, it's not just for dinner anymore.

Another 5 point breakfast: 1 cup of high-test tea w/ 1 TBSP raw sugar and a splash of soy creamer, 1 low fat waffle, some strawberries, a banana and 1 TBSP maple syrup.
Tonight's dinner: 4 oz grilled swordfish, 1/2 cup quinoa, roasted butternut squash "fries".  7 points.
Total points for today (as of this writing): 26.  I may dip into some salted chocolate.  We'll see.  I'll be experimenting tomorrow morning with some pre-fab crepes.  I expect good things.  I'll keep you posted.
I hope it's obvious that I enjoy blogging about my successes and misadventures along this journey towards better health and annihilation of 15 measly pounds, but with all honesty and above all else please remember:
(Nope, those are not my feet...)
(...these are.  And yes, there's a story that goes along with the duct tape...)