Saturday, February 8, 2014

And suddenly nothing will be done.

So much I want to do today.  And I have all day to do it, how great is that?  My current to-do list:

  1. Grocery shopping
  2. Clean out the car (it's like a junk drawer on wheels, yeeks)
  3. Do a water change in Joe's tank
  4. Hit Petco for some new dog bowls
  5. Hit the bank for some cash'ola
  6. Reacquaint myself with my yoga mat
  7. Take a walk w/ Harley
  8. Catch up on some laundry
  9. Catch up on my blog
  10. Catch up on my bills
  11. Catch my breath
And if history is any indication, before I know it, it'll be 10PM and suddenly nothing will be done.
Let's not let that happen.  We'll start with bullet #9...

This week was successful.  I journaled my food choices and stayed within my allotted points... except for one night.  Last night.  Hubby isn't feeling well, battling a nasty, nasty cold.  His comfort food is pretty much anything as long as it's accompanied by mashed potatoes.  So last night's dinner was a straight up chicken, mashers and peas kind of dinner.  I ate my portioned meal in a small bowl and all was well.  Except I chowed on chicken while preparing the meal (chicken was pre-cooked from Big Y) and I chowed on more chicken while cleaning up.  That's a lot of animal protein for this vegetarian wannabe... what was truly irresistible was the skin.  The crispy, fatty, over-the-top-holy-crap-this-almost-tastes-like-bacon skin.  Anyway, I'm being gentle with myself and in spite of the chicken induced weight jump of 3/4 lb between yesterday and today, I'm down a total of 4 lbs which nets to about 1/2 lb per week.  It's all in the journey, my friends.  All in the journey.

My experiment with pre-fab crepes was an icky failure.  Hard to believe that vanilla Greek yogurt, bananas and strawberries wrapped in an egg crepe would be anything other than delicious, but it can be.   The crepe tasted "off" which I might have been able to overlook for the most part had it not been for the weeeeeird texture.  Mushy... pasty ... weird.  I was hoping for a fun waffle alternative, but hey... if it ain't broke, right?  So I asked the waffles to take me back and being the lucky girl I am, they agreed.

I'm not sure today will be an exceptionally great day, food-wise.  I feel like I'm coming down with a cold and I find my comfort not in any particular kind of food, but in the nibbling process itself.  Mindless, yummy, just-one-more-handful nibbling.  I'll keep you posted.

Not much else interesting to report at the moment.  Uhm... yeah, that's it.  For now.

Pre-rolled crepe w/ yogurt and strawberries.

Looks great, right?  Yech.

Very yummy cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion sandwich on Yoga bread.  No really, it was very tasty.  The intention was for it have avocado instead of cheese but the avocado was waaayyyy over-ripe.  Avocados are like bananas: they have a very short "perfect for consumption" time period.

Apparently I had trouble remembering to take my evening vitamins.  Oops.
Drama!  We had a bobcat cut through our yard!  I know!  Crazy, right?  You should have heard what Harley thought about this, but I'm sure you can imagine.  BARRRWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!





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