Saturday, May 31, 2014

No celebratory pizza...

...Instead I celebrated by staying on target.  After which I crashed on the couch and unwittingly skipped dessert.  And skipped my update... 'til now.

I did very well this first official WW week.  3 pounds gone.  Sweet!!!  And I even had a few weekly freebie points left.  Imagine the damage I'll do when I finally get an exercise routine going!

So today starts week #2.  And today I have 11 points left for dinner.  I'll definitely be dipping into my weekly freebies 'cuz there's a fat rib-eye steak in my near future.  "Fat" as in "thick" and yes, as in "fat...ty".  Yum.  Pix to be posted later.

But in the mean time:

Celebratory dinner: 4 oz cod, 1/2 roasted sweet potato (I thought slicing them thin would result in a crispy, chip-like 'tater.  Nope.), steamed brussel sprouts and un-measured butter ("celebratory", remember?  Woo hoo!)
A standard salad dinner.  I can count on one of these about 3 times a week.  My "go to" meal.
Another salad.  Surprise!
This light bread decided it could be a liiiitle bit lighter.
There's something deeper behind those eyes.  My boy, I love him so.

Friday, May 30, 2014

How'd I do? Huh? Huh? How'd I do??

Good morning gentle readers and fellow WW'ers.
It's been a good week for me; followed the plan, kept to my points, exercised (sporadically), journaled my food...
According to my home bathroom scale, I'm off to a good start.
According to my favorite jeans, I have a way to go.
Today is Friday, official weigh-in day, official end of the work-week... all is good!
So how'd I do?  How'd I do?  Huh?  Huh?  Well? Huh?
Weigh-in ain't 'till noon, my brothuhs and sistahs.  I will testify tonight, with one hand on the keyboard, the other holding a celebratory slice of pepperoni and mushroom!
Of course I'm joking.

...No she's not.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Full Speed Ahead!

It's been 4 days since the Weight Watchers @ Work kick-off meeting and I've been embracing the W like never before!  Untrue.  I've embraced before with great success so... I've embraced like once before!  Based on my bathroom scale (aka "arch-nemesis"), I'm already down more than 3 lbs.  It's not dehydration because I'm glugging water like it's nobody's business.  I won't get too wordy here, it has been only 4 days after all.  But I'm feeling very optimistic.

Went for a fantastic hike this morning (worth the 40 minute drive to the park).  Great elevation changes over about 3.5'ish miles.  Took me an hour and half start-to-finish.  5 hours later and I'm still feeling high. 

So without further adieu, some pix for your viewing pleasure. 

Out with the old, in with the new.

Much better than "just" a notebook.
Day #1, full of promise.

Excellent day #1.
Waffle command center.

Hello old friends.  So good to see you again.
5 point protein sammitch: 1 fried egg, slice of whole grain toast
 and 1/2 oz hard goat cheese slowly melting under the egg.
5 points and about that many bites.

1/2 cup fat-free vanilla yogurt, strawberries and 1/16th angel food cake.
Total points: 4

3 oz marinated & grilled tuna, 1 ear corn, steamed fiddle head ferns
with a dusting of grated parm.Yeah, it was really good.
5 points.
Twice a day.  Four of these are for "feminine health".  Yeesh.
With all these, I'm expecting to wake up soon looking like Venus.

Insanely simple and insanely delicious: 1/2 cup fat-free vanilla yogurt,
 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk, 1 frozen banana, a splash of vanilla extract,
a pinch of cinnamon & a pinch of ground clove. 
Pointage: 2

"Honey, are there any ginger snaps left?"
"Uh, yeah!  I left you some!"
One of these things is not like the others...

No caption necessary.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Oh boyyyyy!!!

Quick post for now, more later...

Weight Watchers at Work is a GO!  I repeat: a GO!
I began the week strong, having discovered a great park near the office with excellent hiking trails, then weather settled in around mid-week and that was that.
My food choices haven't been great... why?  I'm lazy.  And a little bit cranky.
So in half an hour I'll be attending the first of the latest 12-week WW@W session... with checkbook in hand ... and optimism in mind ...

What I am trying to embrace is the fact that I've done this before.  This program works for me.  This is not fiction, folks.

Okay, more soon, my gentle readers.  Thanks for sticking with me, and get ready to say goodbye to these 20 freakishly stubborn pounds!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Where does that apostrophe belong?!

It's a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning.  Temps are high, moods are good, easy jazz is spilling out of the radio... it's a good day to begin/resume/restart my W-embracing activities.

Something I haven't done yet and now I won't be doing until later this afternoon is the pantry re-stock.  I missed the sweet spot for optimally stress-free grocery shopping.  If I get to the store before the rest of the world wakes up, then all is well.  But if I'm not there by 8:30am (and even that's stretching it a little bit), forget about it. 

That's okay; it's such a beautiful day, there are plenty other happy things to do today.  Walk the dog.  Fiddle around in the yard.  Plan my exercise for the week.  Actively appreciate my life.  That sort of stuff.

So I dusted off my food journal and camera.  I started the day with a cup of high-octane tea (Red Rose), 1 Tablespoon raw sugar (yep, the sugar habit is in full swing) and a splash of soy creamer.  Total points: 2.  Then breakfast was 1/2 cantaloupe, 1 slice rye toast w/ 1 teaspoon Earth Balance "butter", and a cup of decaf Earl Grey w/ fake sweetener and a splash of fat-free milk.  Total breakfast points: 3.  I'll report on the rest of the day later tonight...

Before I forget: Sending my love and happy wishes to all you mothers out there!  Be you mothers of sons and daughters or fur/fin/feather babies.  Happy Mother's Day!  Uhm... Mothers' Day?  Mothers Day?  Where DOES that apostrophe belong?

Simple and Complex carbs playing nice together.


Made it to the grocery store, hunted and gathered with the rest of humanity and escaped unscathed, albeit over a hundred dollars poorer.  Yeesh.  But I'm ready for a week of mindful food choices.  Again.

Took Harley the Wonder Hound for a great walk.  We were only out for about 45 minutes, but the sun was brilliant, the temps were up, everywhere there's green-green-green.  Absolutely beautiful.  It was also a great workout...

Slightly flushed (and happy) from the unaccustomed exercise...

Someone else unaccustomed to the exercise!

Dinner was delicious, healthy and a very filling 12 points.  7 ounces fresh tuna (marinated) cooked on the grill, roasted sweet potato and steamed broccoflower.  Granted, it wouldn't occur in nature (imagine?  Broccoli and Cauliflower fraternizing?  Inconceivable!) but I love it and it's actually quite beautiful.  I studied fractals in college and this vegetable brings me back to those studies every time I look at it.  It's not often geekiness and beauty intersect.  I dig that stuff.

Actual broccoflower in my kitchen...

...Image taken from the 'net to better illustrate...

A fractal which I created.  No, no, no, I'm joking.  I'm geeky enough just having majored in math. I'm not actually smart enough to contribute to the field.  I sure like the name though.  :-)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Just because...

I have nothing health or fitness-related to report, but want to just share with you something that makes me laugh VERY hard, EVERY time I watch it.  Just because.  Enjoy!

Psh.  Show-off.

She's aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!

Oh, this crazy thing called "life".   What's a girl to do?  Trudge on, take it all day by day, suck it up... go into Hermit-mode ...ignore blogging responsibilities...

Actually, things are fine.  I offer no excuses for my absence, only observations of my utter lack of W-embracing activities.  Wait... what... what's that word?  "Activities"?  Whassat??  

I think about all the false starts I've had over the last year or two and will do my very, very best to break the cycle now.  I may not have the benefit of Weight Watchers at Work, we can't seem to roust enough people to sign up for the next session.  ~sigh~  I understand, but it's still a bummer. 

Anyway, time for another try.  Another attempt to blog my progress (not my excuses), post fun pix and snarky commentary.  You with me?  Again?  Are you still out there?  All two of you?

Today will be "adjustment" day: gathering all my accoutrements together (measuring spoons, food scale, notebook, courage, optimism, self-forgiveness), assessing & cleaning up my 'fridge & pantry and seriously SERIOUSLY committing to the effort.  My weight is high, my fitness level is low and I am definitely feeling older than I am.  ~snork~

Next week will mark one whole year since my accident.  It doesn't seem possible!  Again, I am so very fortunate how all that turned out.  On my feet, not a limp or a gimp to be had.  Getting through that really does put things in perspective and there's two directions I can go: 1) Life is short, I'm going to eat, drink and be chubbily merry 'cuz you never know when you're number will be up.  or 2) If I can get through that, I can do anything I set my mind to!  What's a measly 20 stupid pounds? Nothing!  It's not like I haven't done it before, even!

Yeah, direction #2, right?  Right!

Updates and Rah-Rahs later today.  Let's do this!!

Rah Rah!!  Woo Hoo!!