Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy muscles...

...maybe "happy" isn't the right word, they're actually complaining a little bit.  Whyyyyyyy?  Because they were forced into action last night.  Using weights and everything!  How heavy, you ask?  Embarrassingly light, says I.  They say after a certain age one loses muscle mass at a rate of 10% per year.  I think that's a conservative estimate.  I know it is.  It has to be. I'd hate to think I'm some kind of freakish exception to that rule.  In any case, my muscles complain and my mood soars.  Now we'll see if I can continue this trend for more than one day in a row. 

Food/meals planned for the day (in no particular order)...

1.5 c vanilla almond milk and a scoop of Vega chocolate meal replacement stuff.
1 (thick) slice whole grain bread with fake butter (about a Tablespoon)
2 small apples
1 cup fat free vanilla Greek yogurt
1 banana
Large salad minus the lettuce: apple, carrot, cuke, onion, red pepper, 1 oz aged goat cheese, 1 Tbsp Good Seasons Italian dressing.
1 cup red rose tea w/ 1 Tbsp raw sugar and splash soy creamer
2 Lara bars for when the dreaded sweet tooth hits; lemon pound cake and chocolate chip cookie dough.
Dinner: TBD...
Arch nemesis... or best friend..?

Pretty yummy... for pre-fab stuff.  Having chocolate in it helps enormously.  Of course.

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