Sunday, October 26, 2014

Non-update update.

No news today.  This week.  This fortnight.  Well, nothing extremely interesting anyway.

I had my 2nd appointment with my nutritionist.  Still not completely warm & fuzzy with her approach.  It's based on the typical American diet, albeit a balanced one, with X portions of protein and Y portions of carbs per meal, 3 meals per day w/ a snack in between each one.  So I tried for a week, and par for the course, I was strong the first few days and then slid steeply off track.  Too much sugar, just too much friggin' sugar. 

So do I claim I'm back on track?  Do I say for the bazillionth time that enough's enough?  I will tell you that I spent most of today in my kitchen, reformatting my fridge and pantry, making my food for the workweek and feeling optimistic.  The food I made was decidedly NON-American, consisting of kitchari, tofu, nuts, seeds, rocks and twigs.  These are the foods I cooked because these are the foods my body craves.  Eastern influence, vegan, savory, somehow cleaner (for this body) than yogurt and cheese and meat and bread.

I have a gentleman's bet with my BFF; the first to lose 15 lbs wins the bet.  She's winning.  This week (the first full week since our bet started), she's down a solid 3 lbs, I'm down zero.  I don't have a strong competitive nature, though I can get pretty hardcore when competing with myself.  I sure wish that hardcore edge would appear soon 'cuz I'm floundering.  All that being said, this week will be a good one.  One week at a time.  One day at a time.  One hour at a time if necessary.

I'm grateful for you, my loyal followers of a less-than-diligent blogger.  I wish I had more successes and less failures to share with you lately, but one thing's for sure; my failures feel a little lighter after sharing them with you.  Thank you for that.

Here's to a good week, yes?  Healthy food, productive workdays, lazy autumn evenings, good sleep, happy dreams and lots of cozy love, whatever that means to you.

More soon.

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