Well, there's no avoiding it. My weight is stuck where it is for ever and ever and ever... unless I start exercising. Again. Consistently. In earnest. With intention.
I LOVE exercising, so what's the problem? I
don't love getting up at the crack of dawn to do it (which I did manage to do twice this week, stop the presses). I
don't love changing into my exercise clothes after work (much preferring my "cozies": sweats and t-shirts in which I wouldn't be caught dead in public). And I
don't love how easily I convince myself that planting my lazy @ss on the couch is exactly what I need to do.
Never are my food AND exercise plans in sync. I'm good at one or the other, but never simultaneously. I don't know why, and right now I'm too lazy to figure it out.
I'm a little frustrated with myself, can you tell? Two weeks and I'm down a total of 1.5 lbs. Seriously? ~sigh~
Okay... so what are some
good things from this week? My new job is rockin'. I turned the big five-Oh and am keenly aware & grateful that my only health problem is these stubborn, extra 15 lbs. I miss my friends from my old job (which is a positive, the emphasis being "friends"). I indulged in some yummies this week without causing tooooo much damage. What kind of yummies? Pizza, ice cream, cookies, chocolate, jelly-beans... not all at the same time, although it's not outside the realm of possibility. I'm such a sugar junky. Just today I was reminded how much I love my all-wheel drive Subaru, thanks to some surprise snow. And I was also reminded how cozy and warm I always feel when the world turns white like that.
I was less than diligent journaling my food and points, but a sampling of meals from this week include:
Waffles w/ fresh fruit & maple syrup.
Cheerios w/ vanilla almond milk.
Two slices rye toast w/ fake butter, a cup of chocolate almond milk and a hard boiled egg.
Shanghai dumplings.
Cream of broccoli soup.
Salad w/ ginger dressing.
Tuna salad wrap.
Veggie burgers w/ sautéed veggies & cheese... and pickle... and lots of corn chips.
Salad w/ ginger dressing, sautéed shrimp ... feta cheese... avocado... rice noodles.
Pizza ... so good.
Snacks & desserts:
Chocolate chip cookies, jelly beans, chocolate, banana bread, lots of tea w/ sugar and/or sweetener, apples, bananas, strawberries, sesame crackers, graham crackers, cinnamon pita chips and a partridge in a pear tree.
So what am I going to do about exercising, huh? I think my goal this coming week is to just do a little better than I did last week. On those mornings I DID exercise, I felt so great afterwards. But the motivation seriously wanes when the alarm is going off at 4:30 in the morning. Egads.
That's about it for now, no earth-shattering news, just some ramblings. Tonight's dinner will be some humongous sea scallops, something green (Brussels or asparagus) and an experimental side dish of quinoa and butternut squash. Pix of THAT next time.
Beautiful surprise snow.
But... I was only asleep for an hour!
Multigrain yumminess.
I discovered this dressing at least a year ago, and it's still my top choice, just eeking out Good Seasons Italian as dressing supreme.
Vegan, spicy and delicious cold or hot.
Those were not the only chips I ate with this meal. Chips were also consumed while cooking the veggies... and the burger... and while cleaning up afterwards. Sometimes a girl just needs her overdose of salt!
Perfect compliment on ginger-dressed salad.
Veggie pizza... that's healthy, right?
~update!~ Quinoa a SERIOUS success! So: red quinoa, roasted butternut squash (seasoned with onion powder, garlic powder, curry powder, salt and pepper) and lentils.
Pan seared sea scallops, quinoa/squash/lentils, and a cleansing apple & cucumber salad.