Well, I played a little loose with my points a couple days, but for the most part I stayed on track and was rewarded with a 1.2 lb loss for the week. So it took four weeks to lose five pounds but here I am, five pounds lighter! Woo Hoo!!
On a sadder note, my handsome little fish Joe is now proudfully, gracefully adorning that great aquarium in the sky. I believe he just got old. There's no way of knowing how old he was when I brought him home, but he sure was beautiful to the end. He just sort of slowed down and lost interest... tsk. My Joe. I'll miss you.
On another not-sad-but-huge note, my now little family of three will be a little family of four in a couple days. Hubby's Mom is moving in with us. What does this mean? LOTS of things!! What does this mean to my WW efforts? LOTSs of things!!! With Mom comes donuts, white bread, pasta, pastries, pies and cookies. Put 'em all together and what does it spell? LOVE!! Delicious, highly processed, mega-points love. :-) Seriously (for just a sentence or two), it will be challenging of course. My morning sweet tooth will have more than yogurt & fruit, or waffles & fruit to choose from. Just the thought of it is making me crave late night bowls of Cap'n Crunch and plates of buttery cinnamon & sugar toast. Oh yeah, baby!
My exercise is intermittent at best, although for the past couple week
ends I've been hittin' the woods and puttin' a few miles under my feet. It feels really great. And I'm starting to put together my food plan for this year's week-long hike in September. My intention is to keep it as simple as possible. Boringly simple. Food as fuel only. But whenever I sit down at my Excel spreadsheet, I manage to add "just one more" bit of comfort'y trail food. Hey... trail food is all about calories (for the most part), maybe the donuts, white bread, pasta, pastries, pies and cookies will be just the trick!
My food journal capturing the evening's chaotic food choices. |
Veggie burger on light toast with sautéed onions & 'shrooms, sliced
pickles (underneath, can't see 'em but yum) and one oz of killer delicious jalapeno kettle chips... |
Yeah... THESE chips. |
Trail food!!! |
My Joe. oxox |