Sunday, June 8, 2014


What's crazy?  That I actually lost a few ounces this week!  I traveled for work, only gone for two days, but that equates to seven un-measured, un-weighed, un-restricted meals.  Oof.  I think my choices were reasonable, even my portions weren't completely out of whack... but I still ate more than usual.  Until the moment of my official weigh-in I felt kind'a bloated and was braced for weight gain.

I would have sworn I saw a pig flying past the window as I stepped on the scale, only to see myself 0.2 lbs lighter than the week before!  Magically all feelings of bloat disappeared and I was doing that awful, and awfully dated happy dance.  You know, the one that embarrasses everyone young enough to be your kid?  Yeah, that one.  I really need to cut that out.

Without reconstructing this week's discussions, I left the meeting with a sense of reinforcement.  I know my key is to stay connected with my food, not making it as convenient as possible but being part of its prep.  So I'll keep on keepin' on with my food scale and measuring spoons and keep my eyes on the prize.  And on the occasional pizza.  And steamed dumpling.  Dumplings.  Plural.

Still riding the high, I grabbed a small backpack this morning and hit a local trail for a couple hours.  It was insanely wonderful.  I need a few days out there.  I have 8 days slated in September but that's still a million years away.  For now I'll have to do with day hikes.  Harrumph.

And just so you know, in spite of my success with not gaining, and my reinforced feelings of control, I did manage to chow down a half a bag of jalepeno kettle chips and half a bar of salted chocolate Friday night.  What the hell was THAT about?!  Yeesh.

My faithful hiking sticks

The woods ... my sanctuary

One pot veggie steam

Mon dessert de l'année!
Bottom layer: 1 Tablespoon Nutella + 1/4 cup vanilla yogurt. 
Next layer: 1/4 cup straight vanilla yogurt. 
Next layer: fresh strawberries. 
Topper: 1/2 oz pretzel sticks. 
Total points: 4 (yogurt is fat-free).

This morning's pre-hike, 6-point snack:
2 slices rye toast w/ 1 Tablespoon "butter" (Earth Balance spread),
1/2 cantaloupe and 1 cup tea w/ sweetener and a splash of soy creamer.

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