An extra element for me this year is transitioning to a new job. I'm excited and ready and feeling very positive about the whole thing. However, I had to say goodbye to folks with whom I spent the majority of my waking hours for the past 8 years. Especially difficult was leaving my team with whom I spent the last 2. We WILL be keeping in touch and it's all good etc, etc, etc... but I know I'm feeling sad because I feel the need to organize and tidy up, control my immediate environment, which is what I do when I'm chewing on emotional things.
As it is, I can concentrate my consolidation/tidying/organizing efforts on my food plans, exercise plans, pantry-prepping and all things Weight Watchers. And maybe clean out my car. And vacuum a little bit. And prep the basement for all the working out I'll be doing soon. Harley could use a bath. And the bathrooms could use a quick wipe down. My clothes closet is a complete disaster...
I'm going to miss you guys a lot.
The Carb Cabinet: tamed.
Spice cabinet, before...
...and after.
Breakfast before: banana, flax seed, vanilla almond milk, frozen blueberries, lettuce (no spinach or kale in the fridge), cinnamon, ground ginger, ground clove.
Breakfast after. Purple: my favorite flavor.
And because a fruit smoothie is to breakfast like a Leggo piece is to Mortal Combat:
Breakfast #2: Another batch of veggie "hash" (sweet potato, mushrooms, Brussels, salt, pepper, onion powder), a fried egg and a slice of Vermont "Yoga" bread toast.
The rest of the day I grazed. A weekend habit. A habit to be broken. Dinner was a big ol' salad with feta cheese, crispy rice noodles and ginger dressing.
Again: yum.
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